
140EN/FIN  Updated focus/ päivitetty fokus

 "Xerox on lisensoinut muistiteknologiamme, olemme opettaneet sen painamaan muisteja. Xerox sai oikeuden markkinoida tuotetta omalla tavaramerkillään. Siitä tulee eräs Xeroxin teknologioiden peruspilareista." Samalla Xeroxille ulkoistettiin tuotteiden markkinointi. Xerox ei ole julkistanut toimistaan mitään.
"Xerox have licensed our memory technology, so we've taught Xerox how to print memory. They've said Xerox Printed Memory will become a technology pillar for Xerox in the future, and this is developed here in Scandinavia," Sutija says.

"We want to end up as a licensing company, like ARM. I talked with ARM a couple of years ago. They said that what we're doing now, is exactly what ARM did 10 years ago." 

Xerox osti muistitagien IP-oikeudet - kaupasta on mahdotonta sanoa mitään, koska yksityiskohtia ei ole avattu.
Xerox purchased the IP-rights of printed memories - it's impossible to comment the deal at all because the facts have not been opened.

Ole Thorsnes in Twitter: "The Xerox transaction is related to the previously licensed technology between Thinfilm and Xerox. None of Thinfilm focus and core products are impacted or dependent on the IP being sold. We believe this is a good opportunity for Thinfilm to focus even stronger on our core products, while we simultaneously see this as a strong commitment from Xerox to their printed memory portfolio. The deal has taken place, per the announcement."

   "Activities related to other product lines, such as temperature sensors, are currently
   under evaluation...The demand for the hybrid product is less significant than the
   opportunity in NFC and mobile marketing, prompting a prioritization by the company. 
   The company is considering a reduction in activities in its Linköping site, and will also  
   consider end-of-life, sale, and/or disposal of its non-core product families. This is not 
   expected to impact revenues materially, but has the potential to reduce operating costs
   for the group and improve operational efficiency."

   "Thinfilm expects the new roll-based manufacturing line to be operational by Q1 2018
   for manufacturing of EAS anti-theft labels, and for full NFC die fabrication in late Q3        

   "The new facility will have the capacity to produce five billion units of the company's   
   NFC OpenSense and NFC SpeedTap smart product label products per year, worth an 
   estimated $680m in annual revenue."
   "If you're going to integrate electronics into things that you throw away after use, you 
   need to think on a larger scale than billions of units. You have to go to hundreds of
   billions of units. Some are even talking about a 'trillion-sensor roadmap'," Thinfilm    
   CEO  Davor Sutija tells ZDNet. 

   "You cannot print everything. We're working on the order of magnitude of a few thousand
   logical gates."

   THIN selvästi haluaa panostaa NFC-teknologiaan ja pyrkiä siellä markkinaherruuteen.      
   Mutta samalla, kun tuotekirjoa karsitaan, menetetään tukijalkoja ja riskit kasvavat. Kun 
   tuotepaletti harvenee, yhtiön tuotekehitys kaventuu ja UUSISTA TUKIJALOISTA 

   Focusing in NFC technologies seems logical, but at the same time supporting products  
   vanish and the future seems dim - what are the new technologies and products which are 
   under development at the moment for years 2020-2025?
Arkkituotannon ja jatkuvan tuotannon (R2R) kustannusvertailua.
Comparison between sheet based and roll to roll (R2R) based production.

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