(p224) 195 jatkuu/ continued
Panelien valmistusmäärät ovat niin pieniä, että toimituksia voitaisiin kutsua näytteiksi ja laajimman valikoiman tarjoavan LG:n suurimman panelin kokokin on vain 320x320.
"There are several companies that produce OLED panels, but most of these panels should be considered as "samples" as production volume is low... LG is offering the widest range of panels, including flexible panels and the largest OLED in production (at 320 x320 mm)."
Taiteilijan vapauksia.
OLED-valaistuksen murtautumista markkinoille odotetaan (jos ja kun) - aikaa se tulee vaatimaan.
"It is still not clear when and if OLED lighting will break out and become a real market. Most market analysts agree that OLED lighting will eventually become a large market - but it will take time."
IDTechEx:n ennuste (aikajana ei ole tasavälinen)
Laajalla rintamalla tapahtuu: EU käynnisti 2016 pilottihankkeen, mihin kuuluu R2R-linja, millä yritykset voivat kehittää, testata ja skaalata konseptejaan.
"In 2016 the EU launched the PI-SCALE project, which established a European-wide roll-to-roll flexible OLED lighting pilot production line, with an aim to enable companies of all sizes to quickly and cost effectively test and scale up their flexible OLED lighting concepts."
USA:n energiahallinto rahoittaa LED- ja OLED-tuotteiden kehittämistä.
"The US Department of Energy (DoE) announced a new $15 million funding drive for innovative early solid-state-lighting (SSL) research. With this new funding round, the DoE aims to accelerate the development of high-quality LED and OLED products."
OLED-paneleita on kehitetty painotuotteisiin.
"OTI Lumionics launched a new technology it calls Aerelight for Print technology, which uses paper-thin flexible OLED panels to light elements in print media."
OSRAMin kerrotaan vetäytyvän koko alasta ja sen tunnetuksi tulleita valopaneleita Audille ja BMW:lle tullaan tukemaan vuoteen 2020.
"One of our readers reported that during the Light + Building trade show earlier this month, an OSRAM official said that OSRAM is pulling out of the OLED lighting market, and the company will stop all OLED R&D immediately. This is very unfortunate news. OSRAM is the supplier of OLED Lighting panels to Audi and BMW, and according to the OSRAM official the company will continue to provide product support for both automakers until 2020. "
Muotoilijat eivät pysy pöksyissään:
"Researchers from Penn State University have demonstrated 3D OLED lighting devices, inspired by the Japanese Kirigami art of paper cutting the folding."
Panelien valmistusmäärät ovat niin pieniä, että toimituksia voitaisiin kutsua näytteiksi ja laajimman valikoiman tarjoavan LG:n suurimman panelin kokokin on vain 320x320.
"There are several companies that produce OLED panels, but most of these panels should be considered as "samples" as production volume is low... LG is offering the widest range of panels, including flexible panels and the largest OLED in production (at 320 x320 mm)."
Taiteilijan vapauksia.
OLED-valaistuksen murtautumista markkinoille odotetaan (jos ja kun) - aikaa se tulee vaatimaan.
"It is still not clear when and if OLED lighting will break out and become a real market. Most market analysts agree that OLED lighting will eventually become a large market - but it will take time."
IDTechEx:n ennuste (aikajana ei ole tasavälinen)
Laajalla rintamalla tapahtuu: EU käynnisti 2016 pilottihankkeen, mihin kuuluu R2R-linja, millä yritykset voivat kehittää, testata ja skaalata konseptejaan.
"In 2016 the EU launched the PI-SCALE project, which established a European-wide roll-to-roll flexible OLED lighting pilot production line, with an aim to enable companies of all sizes to quickly and cost effectively test and scale up their flexible OLED lighting concepts."
Tutkijat USA:sta ja Taiwanista peräänkuuluttavat terveellisempiä valaistusteknologioita.
"US and Taiwan researchers call for the adoption of healthier light technologies."
USA:n energiahallinto rahoittaa LED- ja OLED-tuotteiden kehittämistä.
"The US Department of Energy (DoE) announced a new $15 million funding drive for innovative early solid-state-lighting (SSL) research. With this new funding round, the DoE aims to accelerate the development of high-quality LED and OLED products."
OLED-paneleita on kehitetty painotuotteisiin.
"OTI Lumionics launched a new technology it calls Aerelight for Print technology, which uses paper-thin flexible OLED panels to light elements in print media."
OSRAMin kerrotaan vetäytyvän koko alasta ja sen tunnetuksi tulleita valopaneleita Audille ja BMW:lle tullaan tukemaan vuoteen 2020.
"One of our readers reported that during the Light + Building trade show earlier this month, an OSRAM official said that OSRAM is pulling out of the OLED lighting market, and the company will stop all OLED R&D immediately. This is very unfortunate news. OSRAM is the supplier of OLED Lighting panels to Audi and BMW, and according to the OSRAM official the company will continue to provide product support for both automakers until 2020. "
Muotoilijat eivät pysy pöksyissään:
"Researchers from Penn State University have demonstrated 3D OLED lighting devices, inspired by the Japanese Kirigami art of paper cutting the folding."