Veromerkit/ Tax stamps
THINin kotisivuilla oli aikaisemmin viite:
29 Nov 2012
Veromerkkien tarve on ollut nousussa:
Raportin mukaan savukkeiden ja alkoholin kaupassa käytettyjen veromerkkien kasvu on ollut vuodesta 1990 lähtien 49,3 mrd:sta 150 mrd:iin ja ennuste vuodelle 2015 on 170 mrd (134,7 mrd savukkeissa ja 35,4 mrd:ia alkoholissa).
"Tax stamps are growing – both in quantity and quality – and will continue to do so over the next five years. According to the report, 150 billion cigarette and spirits stamps were used in 2010 (compared to 49.3 billion in 1990), and 170 billion are forecast for 2015. Today, stamps are used in 81 countries for cigarettes, alcohol, or both (compared to just 20 in 1990), and at least ten countries are planning to introduce them for the first time."
Koska menekki on valtava, markkinoiden valtaus olisi (eri aloilla kauan etsitty) 'Graalin malja'. Varmistettavia dokumentteja löytyy enemmän vain seteleistä. Eipä yhtiön muuta tarvitsisi vähään aikaan suunnitella.
Yhä useammat maat ovat liittymässä jonkinlaiseen järjestelmään ja veromerkkejä sovelletaan useissa maissa muihinkin tuotteisiin... , joten tulevaisuus näyttää hyvältä.
"Tax stamps are also extending to other products such as foods and DVDs, which although not always subject to excise, do generate other taxes, which are also lost to illicit trade."
"The WHO Tobacco Illicit Trade Protocol, which is mandating a global track and trace system."
Nicola Sudan, General Secretary, International Tax Stamp Association
Ensimmäiset veromerkit/ dokumentit olivat liian suuria tuotteisiin kiinnitettäviksi. Niitä kehitettiin postimerkin kokoisiksi ja samalla ne saivat muitakin tehtäviä, tuotteen alkuperä/ väärennöksen esto/ sinetti - ainakin jollakin tasolla.
Tuotteiden ja merkkien määrän kasvaessa syntyi halu veronkiertoon ja väärennöksiin ja parempaa turvaa etsittiin seteleistä tunnettujen menettelyjen avulla.
Vasta digitaaliaika tarjosi väärentäjille uusia mahdollisuuksia ja vastapuolella turvauduttiin hologrammeihin ja optisiin musteisiin, ja tekniikka on jatkunut sellaisena näihin päiviin asti veromerkeissä.
Lisätoimintona syntyi jäljitysmahdollisuus. Tuote voidaan tuotantolinjalla merkitä omalla koodillaan, mikä tallennetaan tietopankkiin. Sitä voidaan käyttää tuotteen alkuperän sekä liikkeen selvittämiseen reaaliajassa.
"Another technological driver that changed the face of tax stamps related to track and trace systems. Products can today be marked in-line during production with their own unique identifiers that are recorded in a database. These identifying codes may then be used to verify the product in remote locations and provide key data on source, destination and authenticity. The ability of tax stamp issuers and others involved in tax stamp programmes to monitor and record complex supply chain data in real time is something that could only have been dreamt of a few decades ago."
Tupakkatuotteiden kauppaa koskee mm. WHO:n FCTC-protokolla, mikä ei keskity verojen keräämiseen, vaan jäljittämiseen. Sen määräykset astuvat voimaan 2023. EU:n direktiivi TDP tulee voimaan 2019 ja se edellyttää vähintään viiden autentikointielementin käyttöä!
"Other drivers that are influencing the design and construction of tax stamps – at least those for tobacco – are international regulations, the most extensive of which is the WHO's global Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and its Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products. The FCTC is not concerned with tax collection and tax stamps as such, but it does require its parties to implement, by 2023, a global tracking and tracing regime, using 'unique, secure and non- removable identification markings such as codes or stamps', that are applied to each cigarette pack. Another regulation is the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD), passed in early 2014 for implementation in May 2019, which has authentication and supply chain control as its primary objectives – and not tax recovery. Like the WHO treaty, the EU TPD requires all cigarette packs to be marked with a printed or affixed unique identifier. Unlike the treaty, it requires packs to include a tamper-proof printed or affixed security feature composed of no less than five authentication elements, at least one of which must be overt, one semi-covert, and one covert."
Eri maiden käytännöt eriävät siinä, käytetäänkö veromerkkiä myös tunnistamiseen, joten neuvotteluja tarvitaan.
"But given that a significant number of countries use excise stamps anyway, there is no reason why the stamp could not be used for all three functions: tax collection, authenticity and track and trace. Indeed, some EU member states have already decided to use their existing tax stamps to meet the security feature requirements of the TPD – and eventually the FCTC Protocol – even though some stamps may need to be updated in order to comply with these requirements."
TILANNE ON AUKI: 'Uusi kuski kaupungissa' ISO 22382 standardia valmistellaan ja sen on tarkoitus antaa veroviranomaisille ohjeet merkkien suunnitteluun.
"And now there is a new driver 'in town', in the shape of the soon-to-be- published ISO 22382 standard for the content, security, issuance and examination of excise tax stamps. Among other roles, this standard has been created (with the support of the International Tax Stamp Association) to guide tax authorities on the design, construction, security and serialisation of tax stamps, and should therefore prove to be influential in shaping tax stamps of the future. Specifically, the standard advises tax authorities to consider all components of the stamp– and not just what's going to be printed on it – when deciding on its construction. This includes the substrate, ink, adhesive, security features and unique identifier. Furthermore, authorities are advised to use a combination of layered authentication features – at overt and covert level – when designing the stamps."
RFID on usein houkutellut soveltajia..., mutta sitten yhtä nopeasti hävinnyt näkyvistä, syynä ovat piisirujen hinta ja möhkälemäisyys, joiden vuoksi se ei sovellu massatuotantoon. Eräitä sovelluksia löytyy erikoisominaisuuksista, kuten kannabisviljelijän inventaarion toteutus: koko huoneellinen tuotteita saadaan skannattua samalla kertaa.
"RFID has often been touted as a track and trace technology for tobacco and spirits, through application to either the packs/labels, or the tax stamps… and just as quickly dismissed, due to the cost and bulk of microchips, which render them unsuitable for high-volume products. Although developments in printed micro-circuitry may eventually lead to the use of RFID on tobacco and spirits, this is yet to happen on a widespread scale, and may even be considered unnecessary – unlike the above situation in Colorado where roomfuls of densely stacked little plants needed individual scanning."
(Tulevaisuudessa?) Älylaitteet voivat korvata ihmisen tunnistajana.. (Minusta se aika on jo käsillä.) ... Fyysiset työvaiheet epäilyttävät. Avuksi on esitetty lohkoketjuja (yliampuvaa), mutta vielä tutkijat varoittavat 'viimeisestä mailista', missä ihminen on osa ketjua. Kyse on rajapinnoista ja niiden hallinnasta.
"Maybe the day when smartphones are able to do the job of the human senses by recognising and validating authentication features to a very high degree of speed and accuracy, we will be able to do away with overt features completely and put all our faith in electronic devices to tell us what's real and what isn't. Even a computer-generated code applied by a digital printing method, still has a physical, material element to it. As far as purely digital technologies are concerned, one could say that blockchain (yes, that buzzword, again) is a digital technology that could be used for secure track and trace by providing an immutable audit trail of supply chain transactions for a particular item. But what blockchain currently can't do is bridge the gap – or 'last mile' – between the digital record pertaining to a physical item, and the item itself. In other words, blockchain cannot help us ensure that the digital record, however immutable and verifiable it may be, is linked to the right object. In order to create that link, a secure unique identifier still needs to be attached to that object – in the form of a physical tag, such as a tax stamp, or even an embedded microchip. 'And this is where blockchain falls down,' claims a Harvard Business Review article (see TSN July 2018), because 'at the interface between the offline world and its digital representation, the usefulness of the technology still critically depends on trusted intermediaries to effectively bridge the last mile'."